Radio-Canada typeface
Radio-Canada is a Canadian federal Crown corporation that serves as the French national public radio and television broadcaster in Canada. In early 2017, I was mandated to design their official typeface. It was to be used across all their digital media platforms (Web, broadcast, apps, etc.). Therefore, it truly had to be a versatile and contemporary typographic solution.
With the help of Étienne Aubert Bonn at Coppers and Brasses and type designer Alexandre Saumier Demers, we created a humanist typeface that was specifically designed for superior legibility. The typeface features many subtle details such as angled descenders (p,q) and ascenders (b, d) as well as distinct serifs (I, J).
The typeface’s x height guarantees excellent readability while respecting accessibility norms. Its character set supports well over 200 languages. The Radio-Canada typeface also offers multiple OpenType features such as proportional and tabular lining as well as a few stylistic alternates (I, J, a, u) and stylistic sets.
The type family was optimized in 2021 by Jacques Le Bailly to become a variable font, expanding its character set and supporting more languages, including many indigenous languages spoken in Canada. It then became available as a Google Font on April 26, 2022.
Creative direction
Charles Daoud
Typeface designer
Charles Daoud
Étienne Aubert Bonn
Alexandre Saumier Demers
Jacques Le Bailly
★ Communication Arts Winner
★ Communication Arts Cover
★ Applied Arts Winner
★ Grafika Grand Prix